Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Play Time

Playing with my sweet girl is the most enjoyable thing I can do.
Her smile, her laugh, her squeals bring me the purest kind of joy 
that reaches all the way to my soul.

Kissing the new baby.

Getting Momma.

My blue eyed girl.

The tickle monster made a surprise appearance.

Best "mad face" she has ever made!


  1. Oh I love it! She's such a cutie - and yeah, I can see why you enjoy playing with her... ;) That last picture totally cracked me up! :)

    Waiting for the Bus on Picture Day

  2. I love the mad face. She looks like John Gruden.


  3. She is the happiest little girl. Looking at her pictures always puts a huge smile on my face, but the "mad face" one made me laugh. Love it! Even trying to make an ugly, mad face, Emma is such a pretty little girl. And Josh, you can still see the red in her hair!! :)
    Love you all,

  4. Gina - As I told Josh in Oklahoma, we've come a long way in two years. You guys have been through a lot in these two years. Just remember, you will always be my little girl! I love you all!!


