Saturday, January 28, 2012

Da da da da, Emma's World

A look into a typical day for little ECW...

Going for a stroll with Daddy.

Emma's first attempt at feeding herself.

She did a pretty good job!

Reading with Momma.

Emma went to the park to swing for the first time...

...and she loved it!

Splish splashing in the bathtub.

Playing while Momma dried her off.

Momma and Daddy sure do love every minute 
we get to spend with our precious baby.
She is such a joy to be around.  She always has us smiling.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Yummy in my Tummy

We introduced Emma to solids over the weekend!
Her first official "big girl food" was applesauce.
She did much better than Momma and Daddy thought she would.
She has had a few bites of applesauce 
for lunch everyday since Sunday.

It's so wild to me that our sweet baby 
is already old enough for "big girl food."
She is growing up so fast.
I am amazed at all the new things she learns each week.
Her baby stage is flying by much faster than Momma would like it to. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Tutu Cute

Maybe our sweet girl will one day be a ballerina.

Emma Claire Williams has danced her way into my heart and left a lasting impression.
She has taught me to love in the most powerful way.
Her beautiful smile, her precious laugh, and her sweet coos melt my heart.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Somebody has discovered her feet...

I don't think socks are going to be staying
on her for very long anymore.
I love this sweet baby more than anything.
She is so much fun.  I'm a pretty lucky Moma.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Escape Artist

Apparently someone didn't want to be in her bouncy seat anymore...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Camo Cutie

I bet no one can guess who Sassy was thinking about 
when she got dressed this morning...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hard at Play

So the other day I put Emma with her ocean friends
while I went in the kitchen to make dinner.
About 15 minutes later I walked around the corner and found her like this...
When I put her down she was in the center of the mat
and facing the opposite direction.
Clearly there is a more exciting way to play with her friends
 that Moma is not aware of.

Playing the guitar with Daddy.
Emma has decided that playing with her mouth rather than her fingers is more fun.

Moma and Daddy are afraid we have a wild one on our hands!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Smiley Baby Girl

Our sweet baby girl playing in her first Christmas present.  
Santa obviously knew the perfect thing to get Emma.
She's such a happy baby.

Her smile makes me smile.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Picture Walk of 2011

A year's worth of memories all wrapped up into a few pictures...

We got to see our sweet baby for the first time.  
We didn't know we were having a girl yet, 
but we knew our little one was going to be like Daddy,
already bouncing around all over the place 
and laying with her hands behind her head.

Husband made his first trip out to sea as Captain.

Moma and Daddy were so excited 
about our little beach baby who was on her way.

We made our first trip home in 5 months 
and got to spend some much needed time with Lillian Grace and Raley Anne.

My mom and sister-in-saw threw a baby shower for me while we were home.
The best surprise ever was having Tiffany there.

Lilly showed us that she can write her name.

Husband and I went camping 
and had a photo shoot of Baby Williams at 25 weeks along.

We were so ready for Baby Emma to make her big debut, 
and 17 days after this picture was taken...

... she did!  
Emma Claire Williams was born August 17 at 11:54 pm
 weighing in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces and measuring 22 inches long.

At just a month old, Emma made her first trip to the beach.  
She truly seemed to enjoy dipping her toes into the salty sea.

Emma's first Halloween.  I have never seen a cuter cow.

We went home for Thanksgiving and got to have our whole family together.  
It was incredible.

Emma's first Christmas.  The highlight of the day for her, 
playing with the wrapping paper.

2011 brought me the greatest gift of all and made my biggest dream a reality.
Being a moma to our beautiful daughter is the greatest privilege I will ever have.
It's going to be hard for 2012 to live up to this past year.