Friday, April 27, 2012

Silly Girl

Apparently hanging out under the stroller
is way more fun than hanging out in it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Big Girl Foodies

Our eight month old daughter is already a very opinionated little girl.
She has decided that she is too big for pureed food.
Last week she refused to eat any type of solids.
I didn't understand what was going on 
because she had loved them before.
I tried giving her all of her favorites:
mangos, squash, peaches,
but she just was not having it.
She wouldn't even open her mouth 
when I tried to feed her.
Then I realized that the only thing I had been able to get her to eat
that week was bananas (which I don't puree,
just break into small pieces) and puffs.
I thought I might be on to something
so I steamed some carrots, cut them into small pieces
then gave them to her to see what she did.

She loved them.
EC has had nothing but
little finger foods since then
and she has been loving every meal.
She's getting to be such a big girl.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Feeling Pregnant

Today was the first day I have felt pregnant
since finding out that Our Little Turkey is growing in my belly.
It may not look like it, but I could definitely feel it.
My jeans were a little tighter and more uncomfortable today.
This is only the beginning.  I can't wait.
I love being pregnant.

8 Months Old

My sweet Emma Claire,

Nine months of carrying you in my belly is what it took
to prepare your tiny body for the outside world, 
but it took only an instant, that moment I first saw you, 
for my heart to be ready to love you 
more deeply than I ever thought was possible.
Of course I had already fallen in love with you 
the moment your Daddy and me found out you were on your way,
 but at 11:54pm on August 17, 2011 that love grew tremendously. 
Now, eight months later, that love is still growing
and it will continue to grow with each day and month that passes.

Emma Claire, you are so incredible.
I hope, as you get older, you realize how wonderful you are
and use all of your greatness to make a difference in the world.
I was made to be your Momma
and I will do everything I can along the way
to help you do whatever it is you believe you were made to do.
I know it will be something big, because that's how special you are.

Now that you're getting older,
it seems like you're always learning something new.
Just in the past week you have learned to point,
not at anything in particular yet, but point nonetheless,
help get yourself out of your carseat,
play our night night game,
and get yourself out of the sitting position.
I have also noticed that you have become very aware of my nose.
You like to grab a hold of it and try to pull it off.
Hopefully you will soon realize that's not possible
and just decide to leave it alone,
but I get the feeling that's not going to happen.

You have also started to sleep through the night.
As wonderful as this is, I have realized that since you started this
I tend to hold you a little more during the day.
I guess I miss that extra cuddle time we used to get
in the middle of the night, just the two of us rocking in the darkness.
I used to spend that time looking down at you in awe
and we usually held hands as you drifted off to sleep again.
I didn't realize how much I cherished that extra
quality time together until now.
I guess we will just have to find a new way
to have special Momma and Emma quality time.

I love you with all my heart Emma Claire.
Thank you for giving me the most incredible past eight months.
I can only imagine what you have in store for me
for the next eight months and eight years.
I look forward to each and every day.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How we say Good Morning

Enjoying some morning play time with my sweet girl.

Giggling baby. 

 Trying to climb on top of Moma.

 Mid E-I-E-I-O.

Love her so much.

Moma going in for a kiss. 

Pulling Moma's hair. 

 Noticing the camera....

...trying to get the camera.

I cannot think of a better way to spend my mornings...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Night Night Time

Our new game.

Bedtime prayers.

It is such a joy to spend the day with our beautiful, happy daughter.
Although Emma isn't always thrilled to go to bed,
Momma loves night night time with her.
Lots of cuddles and kisses is the perfect way to end the day.

P. S.
In one week we have our first ultrasound for the new baby.
We will get a better idea of how far along I am
and then I will start doing weekly pregnancy posts.
Can't wait to see our little turkey!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hey, what's in there?

Emma checking out her baby brother or sister.

I think she's going to be a wonderful big sissy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Our Little Beethoven

Emma enjoying her new toy.
She really loves it.  She plays a few notes 
then looks at me with a huge smile on her face.
It's as if she'e trying to say, "Look Momma, 
aren't you so proud of me."

I really hope Emma gets her Daddy's musical talent.

Missing Someone...

Moma and Emma are so ready for Daddy to come home.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Emma's First Easter

Emma looked so pretty in her Easter dress.

I wanted to get some pictures of her outside, 
but she wasn't crazy about that idea.
Out of about 40 pictures, this was the only decent one...

It was such a nice day out.  
I really wish she would have cooperated, but oh well.

I got a few more later in the day up in the fluff
(Momma and Daddy's bed).
Again, didn't get that many good ones because
she thinks it's fun to throw herself back into the fluffy blanket.
Every time I sat her up she just flung back and giggled.
She is one silly girl.
Playing is way more important to her than pictures.

Giggling at herself in the mirror.

I also tried to get some pictures of her in just bunny ears,
but that didn't really work out either.
Our baby girl just does not like to perform for the camera.
I'm going to try these again later this week though.

Mid launch backwards into the fluff.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Breaking News

Momma and Daddy are proud to announce
that in just seven short months
Miss Emma Claire will be a big sister!

I just discovered the wonderful news on Monday
and this picture is how I told Daddy.

I wish he could have been here to find out with me,
but I thought this was a cute way to
share the exciting news with him.

As of now, the tentative due date is November 14, 
but that is subject to change once we have
 the first ultra sound on April 23.
If the dates are accurate then as of today
I am 8 weeks and 3 days along.

Although Emma is still a baby herself,
she is definitely going to be a big part of this pregnancy.
The new baby (whom I like to refer to as Our Little Turkey 
since he/she will be born around Thanksgiving)
is going to have a pregnancy scrapbook
full of pictures of Momma's belly and big sissy.

There pictures are from the night we found out.
I can't wait for Emma to be a big sister.
I think it will be so precious to watch her with the baby.

We are so excited to be growing our beautiful family
and we look forward to sharing this incredible journey
as best we can from across the world through this blog.