Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
Sweetest. Thing. Ever.
Jude Scott,
You were the cutest thing last night when we were reading your bedtime story.
I could have sat there and looked at the book with you forever because of the way you were acting.
You picked your "Baby's First 100 Words" book so it wasn't really a story, just pictures,
but you were so in to pointing at everything and looking at me to say what the object was.
This made me so happy because you normally don't sit still for more than a few minutes
when I read to you. You've always been that way. You'd rather squirm and simply listen to the words
while you wander around. This has always kind of baffled me since you're such a cuddle bug,
but that's just the way you are. For that reason, I think last night
will always be one of my favorite memories of you.
You were just so cute pointing at the brush
and then running your fingers through your hair.
Pointing at the shoes and then trying to slide your feet inside them.
Catching onto the sign language for "night night" instantly
then pointing at the sleeping boy and signing "night night."
Not just pointing, but pounding on the different balls
and very excitedly saying "ball" with a huge smile on your face.
Pointing at the lion and making your silly roar sound.
And then to top it all off, when you decided you were done reading
you grabbed your paci that was sitting right next to the book,
stuck it in your mouth, signed "night night" and crawled in my lap.
Sweetest. Thing. Ever.
I love you so much Jude Scott. You are so incredible
and it is such an honor to be your Momma.
It is my privilege to read you a bedtime story every night
and to give you one last cuddle before you drift off to dream land.
Always and forever Little J.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
This Guy...
....has the biggest toothy grin that puffs up his cheeks and makes his eyes sparkle.
...has a machine gun laugh that will make you want to start laughing too.
...is still just as big of a cuddle bug as he was when he was a newborn.
...can only say a handful of words, but is always jabbering.
..has recently turned into a very big eater.
...loves to play with blocks and legos.
...watches his sisters like a hawk and tries to do everything they do.
...enjoys coloring with markers, but will do nothing with crayons except try to eat them.
...knows when he is doing something he's not supposed to and looks back
at Momma and Daddy with a "I'm a little stinker" grin on his face.
...tries to climb on any and everything.
...is quite the little dancer.
...is very laid back and mellow.
...laughs at himself when he pretends to talk on the phone.
...is pretty selective about who he gives kisses out to, and saves most of them for Momma.
...goes to sleep every night with his big buck and duck.
...wakes up every morning and points out the mounted big buck on his wall.
...still has a paci, but only gets it at bed time.
...laughs with his whole body when he's being tickled.
...is very loved by all three of his big sisters.
..melts his Momma's heart on a daily basis with his sweetness.
...often reaches out his hand and waits for me to hold it before walking off somewhere.
...flops down on his belly as he pushes his cars forward.
...is extremely patient and tough when playing with the rough and wild Emma Claire.
...is still the biggest momma's boy ever.
...but also loves his Daddy and is always on the hunt for big bucks when he's with him.
Momma loves you with all her heart Jude Scott.
You are perfect and your every smile and kiss hold a special place in my heart.
Always and Forever Little J.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
I Have Never Felt More Successful
There are days, times, and instances where I have felt like a successful mother,
but for all of those times there are others when I feel like everything is going wrong,
my children aren't listening, and I have no idea what I'm doing
on this crazy journey called parenthood.
The successful times are full of joy and laughter.
The not so successful times are full of frustration for both the babies and me,
but both types of situations present a lesson to be learned.
Sometimes the lesson is easily identified, while other times it takes some thought and reflection.
One of my most recent successful moments
proved to be the type where the lesson was crystal clear from the moment it happened.
The babies and I were in the car.
Emma was talking a mile a minute as usual.
Jude was throwing in his two cents every now and then with a "Momma" or a "bababa."
Then it got quiet for a few minutes.
Then in the sweetest, most genuine voice I have ever heard
Emma said, "Momma, you love me."
As soon as I heard those most precious words I knew that although
we may have less than perfect moments together, I am doing something right
in terms of raising these beautiful babies. My most important job as their mother
is to love them unconditionally and to make sure they know that I do.
Those four simple words proved to me that the strength of my love for our babies
shines through even during the hard times. The cuddles, laughs, hugs, and kisses
are what stands out to them and that makes me happy.
My goal as their mother is to make sure that the
affection, praise, and encouragement always outweighs the scolding.
I know this might be easier said than done, especially as they get older and
develop thoughts and opinions of their own, but I believe our relationship will
be stronger if I always remember that little squeaky voice coming from the back seat
and strive to reaffirm that childhood belief even during the most trying times.
Although they may not agree, but it will be during those times when they need
my cuddles, laughs, hugs, and kisses the most.
shines through even during the hard times. The cuddles, laughs, hugs, and kisses
are what stands out to them and that makes me happy.
My goal as their mother is to make sure that the
affection, praise, and encouragement always outweighs the scolding.
I know this might be easier said than done, especially as they get older and
develop thoughts and opinions of their own, but I believe our relationship will
be stronger if I always remember that little squeaky voice coming from the back seat
and strive to reaffirm that childhood belief even during the most trying times.
Although they may not agree, but it will be during those times when they need
my cuddles, laughs, hugs, and kisses the most.
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