Thursday, August 9, 2012

Our Evening

My beautiful baby girl,

You are a week shy of turning a year old,
but I swear you already know true beauty 
and wonder when you see it.
Tonight, we sat out on the balcony as the sun sank into the ocean
and you seemed to truly appreciate the incredible act of nature
that was occurring before your beautiful blue eyes.
You kept pointing out at the sky and talking.
It's as if you were trying to say,
"Look, look Momma, isn't it pretty."
So yes baby girl, it was very pretty
and I loved sharing every moment of it with you.
I wish there was some way for me to make it so that
the world you know is always as wonderful as a sunset,
free of all the craziness and 
hustle and bustle that is actually out there.
I know I can't do that, but I hope I can at least teach you
to slow down, take a step back, and enjoy the little things in life.
You will see plenty of sunsets, smell plenty of flowers,
and listen to plenty of thunderstorms,
but my hope for you is that you will take the time 
to enjoy every single one of those moments,
those small wonders of the world that most people take for granted,
with the same enthusiasm as you did tonight.
If you can remember to do that
then the life you create for yourself will be
as beautiful and as bright as the sunset we watched together tonight.

Momma loves you with all her heart Emma Claire.
You are my world.


  1. My Darling Gina,
    My heart fills with such love and pride as I read your blogs. They are filled with so much love and insight. You truly have a way with words. Emma is such a lucky little girl to have you for a mother. The unconditional love you have given her during her first year will always impact her life.
    Love always, Mom

  2. Gina - I always knew you would be a terrific Mom, but you have surprised even me with your wisdom. Your written words are truly magnificent to read. You are one special little girl, and so is that little girl of yours. Love, Dad.

  3. It is so refreshing to see a young mom understand how precious each moment is. Each new day holds a wealth of treasure that if not noticed and put in memories, is lost forever. Your Emma Claire is not the only person learning from you. Scott Williams also learns from these little pearls you share in your blog. You are teaching an old man the value of each day and the wonderful experiences and memories it holds, we just need to look. Well Miss Williams, you got me looking. When my children were Emma’s age their father did not know the impact missing these gifts would have on him years later.
    I have missed the beautiful words from your life and thoughts shared with people who love you and yours. Gina darling, you have made my day…..again.

  4. Here, here Scott. Reading Gina's blogs makes me wish I could do a lot over with my kids. I am ashamed to say, we did not stop and smell the roses often enough. I always knew Gina would be a fantastic mother, but she astonishes me! Her insights and the joy she finds in the smallest of Emma's accomplishments touches my heart deeply. I am so proud of the young woman, wife and mother she has become.
